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Rev. Curlee L. Adams

Senior Pastor

Welcome to St. Paul

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Welcome to the historic St. Paul Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME) the “Mother Church” of the Third Episcopal District (Chicago).

Everyone is on a journey with God. Everyone, regardless of outward appearance or inward beliefs, matters to God; and you matter to us. If you are running from Him, longing to find Him, or desiring to praise Him – welcome to the church. Flip flops and torn jeans or a three-piece suit – welcome to the church. Prime of your youth or passing on the wisdom of your years – welcome to the church. Cubs fans or Sox fans – welcome to the church.

We welcome everyone into full participation in every aspect of the life, mission and ministry of this church. As we commit ourselves to making justice and inclusion a reality in this congregation and in the world, we strive to serve others, and to love our neighbor as ourselves, as Jesus taught.

We pray that your visit will be enjoyable, and rejoice with great anticipation to see you next week!

Events and Information

Breakfast With Santa

"The St. Paul Voice"

St. Paul CME Church Chicago the Third Episcopal District of the CME Church All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2012
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